Friday, August 19, 2011

I am hopeful for India

Well that's being said, the next immediate question that arise is Why? The recent events in the capital and across, have shown the common man that there are things that can be done. Anna Hazare being standing up for a strong anti-corruption bill, Dr. Subramaniam Swamy trying his best to uncover the political masks behind which such corruptions are going on, the enormous numbers being displayed and forwarded through emails across the globe, the numbers being the trillions of dollars that are in foreign banks. That is certain to move the commoners  like ourselves in despair and leave us to certain extent if I say honestly amazed. I being a student counting numbers all my life, don't really know what is the term for a number higher than 10 crores and there are 5 more digits after that. I just end up saying Wow, goodness gracious, what the hell these people will do with so, so so much money.

I mean the accused A. Raja in the 2G spectrum scam has acquired or I may say looted 12.5 billion USD, to give a general idea, of how much that money is, its almost half the worth of Google Inc. (29.5 billion USD). So one can only imagine. I wonder, I really do, that what these people will be able to do with such sums of money. No, you probably cannot buy islands in the Caribbeans, you cannot buy out companies, you cannot buy yachts no nothing, because as soon as you invest, the media will question you that just being a minister how did you get such a huge amount of money. So, what exactly they do with such money, they just put it in banks in Switzerland, Mauritius, Leicester. According to a recent interview with Dr. Swamy, as he mentioned that these people are so in-secured about the money that they don't even  mention any nominees for their accounts. So, if they die, which eventually they will and there is no one to collect the money, it automatically becomes a property of the bank. So, long strty story short, its gone. And everytime I read one of these articles, I am just so amazed by the irrationality and greed of human mind.

To be honest, I am in some ways happy that we had the 2 colossal corruptions in the history of our country, because nothing really happens, things don't change until a common man stands up and says "Its enough!". The term has its own deep meaning, it says that we are not going to take any more, we are not going to suffer for mistakes you did, we are our own masters and we won't let you run our lives.The way I see it, the recent scams are equivalent to the Jallianwala Bagh incident during India's struggle for freedom. That was the incident, which really made everyone say "Its enough!". And lets accept it, these corruption is in the system from a long long time, if you carefully trace back it goes as far back as Indian Independence. This was imminent and this happened now.

And the true significance of this event and what makes it so fundamentally different from the others, that it has started with few people and got the support of the nation, without much provocation from any political party (I will be careful in my last sentence, atleast not much political interest is visible to me right now). So, I am sure that things will change and it will change soon. Today as I sit and write this blog, I really feel unfortunate that I am not in India, in support of this bill and probably will think about it for a long time. But everyone is bound by the social obligations he has and may be I am not courageous enough to break free my obligations. But I am happy to see many are, people from all parts of the society, have participated actively in the protests and made lives for our prime minister and the ruling party really hard.

That being said, many might be speculating or thinking "Oh its just another bill, we will see hat happens!", "The proposed committee will again turn into a toothless lion, mostly like the present prime minister or the president." But, either we can delve in that or we can try to make the change, and constantly promote the thought that "Lets not do anything which is wrong morally or socially!" If people make a pledge that we wont do anything wrong, I am sure the evil will be rooted out from the system eventually.

I am also hopeful for India, because  any nation to flourish needs a strong society, a helpful and hospitable surroundings. India still has a very very strong social structure and family values to the most part. The growth rate of the country is really high. If you think about the good things, since 1947 inspite of our own problems like poverty, over population, corruption, war and terrorism, India is still leading in many sectors, of the modern world, in computers, in research ofcourse cricket and there are so many more, and most importantly we are in course of addressing our biggest worries, the corrupt politicians and I am certain that only good will come out of it, because its not possible to stop 1.6 billion people, who are saying "We want to do what is right!, We want to change things".  India's prosperity is not based on selling goods made using cheap labor to the United States, but its prosperity is based on knowledge base that we have. Education probably is the most valued asset in India.

When they say India is poor, or a third world country, well it is disturbing to hear, because, its unimaginable to me that how a country where 1 billion people are working day in and day out, can be poor. It is not possible, now we are in the process of removing the parasites from the system, and if 1 billion people are trying to get things done, they will get it done today, tomorrow or next week. The people who compare India or say that it is a third world country in an attempt to find a politically correct word for "poor", to them my fellow friends they need to really brush up the history. A third world country is not synonymous to a poverty stricken country. If you are doing it , you are comparing India and Somalia, considering both are third world countries (according to UN, or should I say America). During the cold war, there were two poles in the world, one being USA, Ocenia and western Europe who supported capitalism and the other being USSR and China, who were supportive of communism, there was a third group of countries, who were indifferent of either of them, so they called it the third world. So, that eventually became South Asia and Africa. But really you cannot compare either of them.

So, that being said, I am also hopeful for India, because of the smart people like Subramaniam Swamy, Kiran Bedi, who are really fighting for the system from inside and are gaining support of vast majority of people from within the country and abroad. I am also hopeful, because the way I see it India is not under any foreign or economic crisis as half of the world is now, it just had some snakes in the system, which are getting weeded out by the people for a better tomorrow.

For people looking for more information apart from news, if they do not already know